Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Never mix things up or try something new

It can fool you into feeling that things are pretty OK. You have your pleasant, safe routine. But underneath there are fuzzy negative feelings of dissatisfaction that sometimes move up to the surface.

Remind yourself of the other times when you have tried something and how you most often don’t regret it at all. In fact, you probably had a pretty good time. Don’t fool yourself into complacency.

I’m not saying that need to go sky diving. But simply that it’s a good choice to mix things up, to get some diversity at least once in a while. The next time someone suggests trying something give a try. Or make a suggestion to your friends.



  1. Yes so true no doubt comparison in wrong way makes us feel so wretched

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. u r working v.well plz post sm more data regarding comparison wid girl 2 girl...

    "think positive n always comparison positivelt"
